Mohammed Osama's Image of Rainbow Rising
Mohammed Osama's Image of Gates of Babylon & Kill the King
Vaclec Novak with his daughter and Ritchie Blackmore
Michael Eriksson's "Stranger In Us All" Collection
Brian Stephen's Castle Guitar
Thomas Eriksson's Painting of Ritchie Blackmore
Mark Cantin's Blackmore shrine
Willem te Riele - Rainbow Tattoo
Dio en Chile Wallpaper by Rodrigo Angulo
Catch the Rainbow Wallpaper by Rickie Brinkmore
Ritchie Blackmore Tribute by Sergej Fritzsch
Rainbow Concert Posters by Ulf Brömmelhörster
Painting of Ritchie Blackmore 1995 by Eric Schoolmeesters
More Paintings of Ritchie Blackmore by Eric Schoolmeesters
Sabrina Kaltner - Rainbow, Dio & Sabbath Tattoo
Heiko Langner - Rainbow Tattoo
Fredy Schlenter - Rainbow Tattoo
Oil Painting of Bent Out Of Shape by Eric Schoolmeesters
Ritchie Blackmore Candle by Jim Dunn
Rainbow Rising Painting by Jules Mills
Stargazer by Allan Youl
Rising Strat by Master Shake
Dale Gibson's Blackmore Shrine
Jaroslaw's Painting of Ritchie Blackmore
Tarik Burcoglu with Ritchie Blackmore & Candice Night
A Digital Painting by kublakhan0040
Vaclav Novak meet Over The Rainbow again
Vaclav Novak met Ronnie James Dio in 2007