CHUCK BURGI WHAT KIND OF UPBRINGING DID YOU HAVE: Wonderfully happy middle-class, with amazingly supportive and helpful parents. WAS YOUR FAMILY MUSICALLY INCLINED: My father played the drums and my mother sang, though music for both was only a hobby and for enjoyment. WHAT WERE YOU GOOD AT IN SCHOOL: Art, English, music, physical education and lacrosse. WERE YOU A TROUBLEMAKER: Yes, a good one! One who could disrupt classes and cause havoc with an innocent attitude - never belligerent or nasty tough. PROFESSIONAL JOBS OTHER THAN AS A MUSICIAN: A short stint as a construction worker and as a roofer. WHAT DID YOU WANT TO BE AS A KID: A spaceman. DID YOU HAVE ANY MUSICAL TRAINING: Not really, just a lot of encouragement from my folks. EARLY INFLUENCES: Ventures, Beatles, Famous Monster Magazine and all Motown Records. FIRST CONCERT ATTENDED: Jimi Hendrix Experience and Soft machine at Hunter College in NYC. FIRST RECORD BOUGHT: The first Ventures album. INSTRUMENTS YOU PLAY: Drums and I dabble with keyboards and bass guitar. FIRST PUBLIC PERFORMANCE: Third Grade Thanksgiving - I was a host for school general assembly dressed as a turkey! FAVOURITE RAINBOW SONG: 'Street Of Dreams'. WHAT SORT OF MUSIC DO YOU LISTEN TO: African, Carribean, Latin and some Be-Bop. ANY TYPE YOU DISLIKE: Elevator Music. ALL TIME FAVOURITE ALBUM: Jimi Hendrix Experience's 'Are You Experienced?'. HOBBIES OUTSIDE MUSIC: Soccer, painting, sketching, reading and running. IDEAL MEAL: Vegetarian - a huge salad with garlic dressing, champagne baked eggplant stuffed with ricotta cheese and no dessert! FAVOURITE DRINK: Champagne. PARTICULAR LIKES: Stephen King books, reggae music and good food. PARTICULAR DISLIKES: Made for TV movies, greasy food, humid weather and long plane flights. FAVOURITE TV SHOW: Hill Street Blues and MASH are the only two I watch. FAVOURITE MOVIE: Invaders From Mars. FAVOURITE ACTOR: Paul Newman and Spencer Tracy. FAVOURITE ACTRESS: Ruth Gordon. HAPPIEST EXPERIENCE: My youth, ages 1 to 12. MOST TERRIFYING EXPERIENCE: High School, the earlier years, from 9 to 10. FAVOURITE SPORTS: Soccer and lacrosse. MOST FOOLISH THING YOU'VE EVER DONE: Gone 'trick or treating' dressed as Olivia Newton-John! FAVOURITE EX-MEMBER OF RAINBOW: Don Airey. Back To Rainbow Tourbook 1983-1984 Index |