Did You Know? Amazing Flexipop Factfile


Did you know that Graham Bonnet has sung 'Green Green Grass Of Home' more times than any other song? "I used to sing with the resident band at Butlins Holiday Camp in Skegness after my day job as a butcher in Dewhurst's," says Graham. 'Green Grass Of Home', by Tom Jones was a big hit at the time and everybody kept requesting it. I had the 'Green Green Grass Of Home' coming out of me ears."


Did you know that Graham Bonnet scored a goal against England' keeper Ray Clemence when they were both aged 12? "We went to the same Skegness school and it was during a kick about in the playground," says Graham aged 33, who hasn't played football since his voice broke.


Did you know that Graham Bonnet's second most embarrassing moment came when he appeared in the movie 'Free For All'? "On the very first day I had to do my scene.There were about 300 people on the set as the director told everyone to be quiet. He asked me if I was ready and I said yes. The moment they started to film me I farted! Everyone on the set collapsed with laughter but I just went bright red."


Did you know that Graham Bonnet's most embarrassing moment came when he was arrested for flashing in Leicester Square? "It was in the early seventies when I appeared in a film called 'Free For All'" says Graham. "Anyway, during a break in filming I was sitting in this restaurant with Arthur Mullard, when two coppers walked in and accused me of flashing!

FLASHING (part two)

Earlier in a scene from the film, two girls had to show their breasts and for a joke I slid the zip of my flies up and down quickly while they did it. Unfortunately a police woman just happened to be passing and reckoned she saw my, er, innermost secrets. I got carted off to the police station and although I was completely innocent my solicitor advised me to plead guilty to get it out the way quickly. I got fined £30

Flexipop May 1981