Un Mundo Purpura La más completa biografia sobre La Saga Purple by Jose Galván ![]() We were stunned the first time we saw his book. It has the size of a huge phonebook or encyclopedia. It counts 824 pages and they're full of known and less known to even some rare photos of Deep Purple, Rainbow, Whitesnake, Gillan and Glenn Hughes. Some other less major projects by Deep Purple members are also featured. After more than 250 pages on Deep Purple, there's some 50 pages of members pre-Purple days. After that Ian Gillan, Rainbow, Whitesnake and Glenn Hughes get a large part. Rainbow has 86 pages including the last few pages on Blackmore's Night. After this the others who didn't had such a major part in history get also their mentioning with photos and text. The last part of this book has discography, tourdates and rock family trees of all the bands. All text is in Spanish, apart from a few odd words we don't have any knowledge of the Spanish language. Still we can tell you it looks very impressive. I guess it won't have much surprises in text for the die-hard fan but it's in the first place a very huge collection of photos put together in an enormous big book. The Rainbow part has many promotional line-up photos, album covers and quite a lot photos. The photos are mainly by Alan Perry, Jorgen Angel, Marc Brans & Simon Robinson. Most of them you'll have seen some time or the other. There are some more photos taken by fans, some are rare but they are a bit lesser quality. Still that doesn't make them less interesting. The book is not yet for sale. Jose only had a small quantity made for the people who cooperated. However he would love to have the book published in this or any other form. So he's on the look for a publisher. The text could be in Spanish or English. Jose stands open to discuss any other format. Publishers can contact Jose by e-mail. |