Mysticity Ambassadors Of The Hidden Sun ![]() 1. Revolution 2. Ambassadors Of The Hidden Sun 3. Rain 4. Regret 5. Dad Is Gone 6. Home Sweet Home 7. With And Without You 8. Crises 9. Visions 10. Ambassadors' Departure 11. Mirage In Bahrein Line up: Chris Melekyan - guitars, keyboards, vocals (track 11) Doogie White - vocals J. Montgomery - drums Guest appearances: Bobby Rondinelli - drums (track 2) Derek Sherinian - keyboards (track 10) Djivan Gasparian Jr. - duduk (track 10) H. Melekyan - vocals (track 11) Record Label / Year of Release: Tessilque Music 2010 Notes: Chris Melekyan: I initiated this project in late 2007. It has been in making for 3 years. Finally -- done. I sincerely hope that this one has its humble place under the sun. And this was made possible because of Doogie -- one of the greatest rock voices of all times. Special thanks to Bobby Rondinelli, Derek Sherinian, Djivan Gasparyan Jr., Karen A., Yegor H., Steph Marsh for their talent and contribution to this project. KC Melodic Rock: Mysticity's debut CD Ambassadors of the Hidden Sun (limited edition) is out now and available only through the website The album features such names as Doogie White, Bobby Rondinelli and Derek Sherinian. The hard rock release is an independent recording from start to finish. As a kind of press release, here is an overview of the album written by Bob Nalbandian of Shockwaves Skull Sessions: "Rarely do you find bands in today's musical climate that combine the sterling elements of 70s classic rock with today's modern hard rock edge. The Mysticity project has achieved notable success in creating this rare synthesis of time. Founded and led by Los Angeles based composer/guitarist Chris Melekyan, Mysticity brings forth the classic elements of Rainbow, Deep Purple, Camel, Nazareth, Black Sabbath, and others with the modern neoclassical/progressive sound and good production quality. There is a twist behind this release. It's a dream-come-true for a then young kid who used to live behind The Iron Curtain. “I paid my first monthly salary to buy Rainbow's LP,” says Chris, “Imagine a starry-eyed classic rock fan listening to his distant teacher, Ritchie Blackmore, blazing away on the guitar and Bobby Rondinelli pounding the drums so effortlessly. I was dreaming to watch their live performance one day, let alone play a chord with them.” And low and behold, nearly 25 years later Chris's dream had come true with the release of Mysticity's debut CD Ambassadors of the Hidden Sun, featuring Rainbow's most recent singer—the incredibly talented Doogie White, and Bobby Rondinelli, who plays drums on the title track. There are other guest appearances on this album, including Derek Sherinian's mesmerizing arrangement and solo on one of the tracks. In fact, this project is a rare collectors' item in a sense that it combines the musicianship of 2 generations of the legendary band Rainbow — Doogie White's and Bobby Rondinelli's. “Never give up on your dream!” says Chris, who confesses that he was very close to burying the idea of recording his 100 plus songs. You can feel the end of 70s and the early 80s capsuled in this album, expressed through modern sounds. The songs are real, the lyrics are actual and reflect some of today's thought-provoking topics. |