A Tribute to Jason Becker Warmth in the Wilderness ![]() CD 1: 1. Stormwind A little Ain't Enough 2. Torben Enevoldsen Altitudes 3. Ron Keels Iron Horse Eleven Blue Egyptians 4. Cosmosquad - Jam for Jason 5. David Martone Higher 6. PUA Becker Ola 7. Rolf Munkes Empire Dogtown Shuffle 8. Evolution Go Off 9. Mark Boals & Lars Eric Mattsson Hammerhead Shark 10. Hit The Ground Runnin' Jasin Street 11. Tony Baena If You Have to Shoot 12. Josephine of Phantom Blue Babys on Fire 13. Jeff Scheetz Sensible Shoes 14. Cyril Achard ESP 15. Phi Ansari Yaan-Zek & Lale Larson Air CD 2: 1. Project Alcazar Opus Pocus 2. Eric Sands & David Ragsdale Mandys Litttle Throbbing Heart 3. Paul Nelson Blue 4. May Lian It's Showtime 5. Jeff Pilson Beckers Bolero 6. Mattias IA Eklund Lydia's House 7. All the Usual Suspects Drop in the Bucket 8. Rob Johnson Forcefield 9. Mistheria with Rick Renstrom Urmila 10. Marty Friedman Black Stallion Jam 11. Paul Gilbert Hawking 12. Anders Johansson Primal 13. Eric Zimmermann Rain 14. Mike Campese Concerto 15. Robin McAuley - Tell the Truth 16. Torben Enevoldsen, James Byrd Outro Jam Line up: Marty Friedman, Paul Gilbert, Vinnie Moore, Steve Morse, Chris Poland, Jeff Watson, James Kottak, Ron Keel featuring from Robert Marchello, Phantom Blue, Patrick Rondat, Stuart Smith, Alex Masi, Phi Ansari Yaan Zek, Lars Eric Mattsson, Jeff Kollman, Eric Sands, Anders Johansson, Stormwind, Stephen Ross, Mike Chlasciak, Carina Alfie, Torben Enevoldsen, Lance King, Rolf Munkes, Kelly Keeling, Mark Boals, Sultan Of String, Kee Marcello, Tommy Denander, Chris Sterberl, Terry Syrek, David Martone, Jeff Scheetz, Slav Simanic, Mike Campese, Neal Nagaoka, Eric Zimmermann, Matt Bissonette, Joseph Anasatcio Glean, May Lian, Neil Zaza, Mistheria, Gerhard Pichler, Ted Poley, Terry Brock, Jonathan Mover, Paul Morris, Mark Mangold, Cyril Archard, Mattias IA Ekland, Rob Johnson, Stevie Salas, Byron Nemeth, Jeff Pilson, Tony Gamble, Ron Thal, Tony Baena, Joy Basu, Jesse Bradman, James Byrd and more Record Label / Year of Release: Avalon Records 2001 Notes: Jason Becker is a major musical talent struck down by a disease without cure - he did not look for such a fate, and he is coping with considerable grace under such a burden. It would seem appropriate then as a tribute to his abilities, and as a means of perhaps easing his battle a little, that Lion Music brings you two tribute albums featuring interpretations of his work in David Lee Roth, with Cacophony and solo (along with originals dedicated to Jason), performed by friends and musicians who have been touched and influenced by Jason's music. Vol I. and Vol. II. are also double CD albums, features an incredible roster of artists, including Steve Vai, Lars Eric Mattsson, Terry Syrek, Marty Friedman, Randy Coven, Stephen Ross, David Valdes, Tommu Denander, Milan Polak, Carlos Creator, Mistheria, J.K. Northrup, Steve Booke, Magic Elf, Mario Parga. Another outstanding tribute to this influential guitar player. Warmth in the Wilderness: A Tribute to Jason Becker features a large cast of musicians performing some of Jason Becker's best-known songs. Some of the performances include Stormwind's version of "Little Ain't Enough," Torben Enevoldsen's version of "Altitudes," and Evolution's version of "Go Off." Some of the featured songs document Becker's work with David Lee Roth -- "Little Ain't Enough," "It's Showtime," and "Drop in the Bucket" -- and there are several of the songs co-written by Mary Friedman -- "Eleven Blue Egyptians," "Go Off," "ESP," "Black Stallion Jam," and "Concerto." This tribute will be best appreciated by Becker fanatics who also enjoy the work of the featured performers. Ted Poley, Machan Taylor, Gerhard Pichler, Kenny Aaronson, Johnny Balsamo, Mark Mangold, Paul Morris, and Jonathan Mover team up as All The Usual Suspects on Roth's "Drop In The Bucket". |